Our ministries

Serving the Church. Serving our community.

At Lakes Community Church, we run a variety of ministries to serve the needs of a range of demographics within the church, and to share God’s love within our local community. 

For all enquiries please visit our ‘Contact’ page.


Ignite Youth (11-18)

A safe environment facilitated by trained leaders where teens can discover God's love and purpose for their lives, build strong friendships, and have fun! Run fortnightly during the school term.

Connect (18-45)

A relaxed space where the younger generations can build meaningful relationships, and enjoy themselves in a down-to-earth, alcohol-free space. Run monthly throughout the year.

Womens Ministry

Spiritual formation in community, for women of all ages and backgrounds. Our women's ministry encompasses a fortnightly bible study to deepen understanding of Scripture and impart life encouragement, and a monthly prayer meeting.

Mens Ministry

Our men's ministry connects men into a strong, intergenerational community of discipleship where faith will be stirred up and inspired, and genuine relationships built. Encompassing a monthly prayer meeting and a monthly discipleship program 'Secret Men's Business'.

Senior Saints (60+)

Our seniors group meet monthly for food and fellowship, facilitating meaningful social interaction for those in the older age demographic.

Godzone (3-10)

Our kids program is a fun and interactive space for our little ones to learn about God through engaging activities, crafts, and Bible lessons. Run fortnightly during the Sunday sermon.

Mums Group

A relaxed spaced for mums to catch up and enjoy fellowship in their busy weeks. Run fortnightly.

Other Programs

Nursing Home Visitation: weekly ministry to the two local nursing homes to provide spiritual and emotional support and care to the elderly in our community.

Street Outreach: monthly evangelistic outreach at the foreshore and surrounds to share God’s love and hope with our community. Involving open air preaching, music, and one-on-one sharing. The Good News is for everyone!

Seek and Soak: a once-monthly worship night where we join as a congregation to draw near to God and simply enjoy His presence.

Discipleship: our experienced church leaders offer regular spiritual mentoring to facilitate growth and transformation in every area of the Christian’s life.